I'm trying to translate this car parking sign/garage and I'm stuck on the part for 間時肆拾貳
Google just returns the translation "In between", so I still don't know what they mean. Maybe it's like parking in between the lines?
I'm trying to translate this car parking sign/garage and I'm stuck on the part for 間時肆拾貳
Google just returns the translation "In between", so I still don't know what they mean. Maybe it's like parking in between the lines?
This is a tricky one because this sign is 1) written right-to-left, 2) using kanji for numbers, and 3) using old/traditional kanji for the numbers.
So rearranging it left-to-right and using simplified kanji would give us
(top) [時間貸]{じ・かん・かし} → Hourly Rental / Pay by-the-hour
(right, red) [五十M先]{ご・じゅう・メートル・さき} [入口]{いり・ぐち} → Entrance (is) 50 meters ahead
(example in question) [二十四時間]{に・じゅう・よ・じ・かん} → (Open) 24 Hrs.
(lower left, green) [空車]{くう・しゃ} → Vacancy / Empty spaces availabe
It means "24 hours".
First of all, the pic is wrong side out. Second, it is Japanese not Chinese(I mean the language not the characters). Japanese use a lot traditional Chinese characters. Third, it is an ad for parking lot and cars.
so, in the turns it was supposed to be:
時間貸⇒For rent by hour (時間means hour in Japanese but time in Chinese)
伍拾M先⇒50 meters ahead (this can be a very old ad,coz modern Japanese use 五十,伍拾 is traditional Chinese even in mainland china people are not using it in daily life, but in taiwan they still do)
贰拾肆時間⇒24 hours(means for rent for 24h of course) (same as above, it can be very old, i can ensure you many japanese people can not read this,they use 二十四時間 now, but they used to use traditional ones before)
空車⇒available car (usually used on taxi to let people know that that cab is available)
*Can not believe it my first answer is about this.