While stumbling over my serval-month-old translation notes out of boredom, I found that I had made note of のこと to mean 'with regards to (noun)" for the following Japanese sentence.
I think I understood that this instance of こと was being used to create a noun phrase indicating something that the speaker does not feel close to, and was attempting to show this 'distance' with "with regards to himself".
1) In light of this, is my understanding of こと accurate; or am I misunderstanding its usage in the above sentence?
2) And in the case my understanding is accurate, do the following two translations accurately showcase this 'こと-distancing' of the speaker and subject?
"Even so for him, with what regards to himself he doesn’t comprehend in the slightest."
"Even so for him, when regarding himself he doesn’t comprehend in the slightest."
Edit: Still for him, he is unaware of himself in the slightest.