Related to this. At this point, the speaker has won the preliminaries. The elderly chairman of the event, a friend since the previous tournament, comments that the speaker has won a second time (やはりこの地域で一番のブレーダーはspeaker君でしたか). Speaker responds with:
- あったりまえだぜっ!
- だいたいそんなことは
- バトルする前から
- わかっているのに会長も
- 人がわるいなぁ〜
I get as far as "Naturally!" I'm also thinking バトルする前からわかっているのに is a full clause and means "even though {you} have known {this} well before I did battle", but I don't know how to put だいたいそんなことは and 会長も人がわるいなぁ together. Specifically, そんなこと is marked as the subject, so how does that relate to the adjective/verb 人がわるい? Is it something like "That sort of thing essentially makes the chairman a [bad person]?"
Furthermore, I can find little on the translation potential of 人がわるい. I've two questions about this term. For one, I assume that the speaker takes issue with the chairman not being 100% certain he'd win, so would "having poor judgement (of skill)" be a reasonable translation? For two, 人がわるい strikes me as a harsh thing to say, so I'm curious about the politeness level here. How rude is the speaker being?
If it matters, the chairman responds that he knows how hard everyone else has trained since last year and that it was justified not to presume the speaker would dominate the preliminaries once more (それはちがいますよspeaker君.あなた達が海外へえんせいしている間, みなさんは今回の大会のためにとしもつらいとっくんをかされていたのです.だからけっしてspeaker君が勝つとはかぎらないと私はそのようにおもいました). The speaker acknowledges he's been a jerk after that.
Thanks in advance.