I'm practicing understanding japanese by japanese subs of anime. For this moment it is 10 episode of season 2 "Seitokai yakuindomo", the last scene.
Here is Tsuda words:
**あっ そうだ 買い物 頼まれてた んだ**
Translation: Ah! By the way, I was asked to shop some things.
I try to firugre out by parts and could not understand what form of verb for 頼む [tanomu] was used here.
あっ そうだ [a: soda] Well, here is a thing.
買い物 [kaimono] shopping
頼まれてた [tanoma reteta] ???? what is the form of the verb
んだ [nda] situation is the following.
Is it past passive? If so, I could not find info that past passive exists in japanese language. 頼まれる - is plain passive, but no past passive in the vocabulary.
Does anyone knows what is the form of this verb in Tsuda's words?
Is there a reason you don't think
Is there a reason you don't think 2) Reason #2. I use NJStar Editor, there is built-in function: you type any verb, in my case 頼む and you get a full list of possible variations for that verb. There is no Passive Past. There is no 頼まれてた. The most close variant is Passive Plain 頼まれる, which does not fit my case.
– Tchibi-kun May 27 '19 at 17:48Is there a reason you don't think 3) Reason #3. When I type 頼まれてた in website Jisho.org, it says that it is "Te-ita-form" of 頼む, but it is not, cause te-ita means continuous "I am calling", but in this particular case I see no place for Tsuda to say anything in continuos, and translation of this sub in english hints that most probably there is passive in japanese text.
– Tchibi-kun May 27 '19 at 17:49