① 啓典には「全ての生き物は遅かれ早かれ死に至る。」と書いてある

② 啓典には「全ての生き物は遅かれ早かれ死に至る。」と書いている

③ 啓典には「全ての生き物は遅かれ早かれ死に至る。」と書かれている

④ 啓典には「全ての生き物は遅かれ早かれ死に至る。」と書かれてある

What is the difference between these four and which one is the most neutral one? I asked this question to a few Japanese people and received mixed answers. Most of them seemed to be in favor of the first one, but someone said that in this particular sentence, ④ is the most appropriate one since the meaning of sentence has a strong vibe; and another person corrected me to use the third option. It's pretty confusing so I'd like to learn the difference between them.

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