This question is posted exactly because it's been answered a few times and various other sources describe it differently as well - varying degree to which one is preferred and why.
So far I've come across 7 different explanations (as I understood them):
- With たい you use が (I don't think this is frequent)
- With たい you should use が, but sometimes people would use を
- With たい it is preferred to use が, but を is fine
- With たい you sometimes change を to が (no specific criteria)
- With たい you can use either, no preference no criteria
- With たい using が focuses the target of desire and を focuses the desire itself
- With たい there are various criteria that you use to decide between が and を, those outside can use either? Source: - haven't found anything as specific elsewhere
What is the ultimate take? Is it one if these? A combination of them? Something completely different?
I feel like I do hear が comparatively more often, but haven't been able to infer a specific ruleset
Thank you
<- 「折りたい」は動詞「折る」と助動詞「たい」から成りますが... 「弾ける」も、動詞「弾く」と助動詞「ける」から成る、っておっしゃってるように見えてしまうと思うんですが... あと、「He says that used to be が is only correct choice」はどういう意味ですか? – chocolate Jul 06 '19 at 23:05