Here is my sentence.

おしろ あんたが頼みすぎなんだよ。

First, I'm not sure what おしろ means, perhaps somewhat could inform me since Jisho and google translate are both giving results that I don't think are correct. I'm thinking it's some sort of slang.

Now for the main question. I believe the なんだ to be the explanatory の and this sentence means, "(The thing is) You ask for too much." What's the reasoning for taking the る off here? すぎ would be the stem of すぎる. Every example I've ever come across of explanatory の with a verb has not used the stem. What's the difference here?

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1 Answers1


Masu-stem of a verb often works as a noun. Here 頼みすぎ is a noun meaning something like "over-asking".

Also note that 頼みすぎ is followed by な, which comes only after a noun or a na-adjective. 頼みすぎるなんだ is plain ungrammatical. Please check this list for the usage patterns of explanatory-な.


  • 彼は食べ過ぎだ。 He is eating too much. (Literally "As for him, it's over-eating")
  • 彼は食べ過ぎる。 He (always) eats too much.
  • 彼は食べ過ぎるんだ。 It is that he (always) eats too much.
  • 彼は食べ過ぎている。 He is eating too much.

As for おしろ, I also guess you've misread むしろ. Or it may be someone's name.

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