I have found several related words that I think I have a better grasp of such as:
見掛ける is just simply visually seeing something
見て取る is close to 見て分かる, right? Seeing something that gives you some kind of knowledge or understanding, or that allows you to reach a conclusion.
認める has a huge number of usages, but limiting the discussion to the subset of its definitions that apply here, it means seeing something and acknowledging that that is the case.
But I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how 見受ける fits in.
In the example sentence
it could just be translated as "seen" but I feel like something is missing.
The definition given in the 日本国語大辞典 is ある何ものかを判断をする。見てとる。みとめる。
which doesn't help. Honestly, I'm not sure I understand ある何ものかを判断をする。
ちょっと細かいことを聞いているので、日本語で説明した方が伝わると判断した場合、日本語でお願いします。 I am not looking for a simple translation but an explanation of the word and how it is used.