So I'm reading this sentence:


Basically I understand this sentence as:

Out of the clothes in the closet, I took the Western-style summer clothes out, I put them in the bag (full), then I took them out.

If it's incorrect, please correct me. However, I don't understand why the take out part is so complicated:


出かける (the action of taking out) instead of 出る. Then turn it into noun with こと then しました.

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    Related (regarding ことにしました): https://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/66127/9831 / https://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/13222/9831 / (regarding でかける) https://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/33239/9831 ... See also: https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/en/%E5%87%BA%E6%8E%9B%E3%81%91%E3%82%8B/#je-51207 – chocolate Oct 12 '19 at 14:24

2 Answers2



Your translation of that is:

"Out of the clothes in the closet, I took the Western-style summer clothes out, I put them in the bag (full), then I took them out."

Your TL obviously makes little sense. Why would one put clothes in a bag and (immediately) take them out?

「出{で}かける」 means "to go out", "to leave home", etc.

「出{だ}す」 means "to take something out", which you translated correctly.

Thus, it looks like someone is taking a trip, doesn't it?

Moving on to 「ことにする」.

This expression has been discussed many times before so I will be brief.

「Verb + ことにする」


"to decide to [Verb]"

You will encounter this expression over and over again as long as you study Japanese.

My own TL:

"I decided to take my summer clothes out of the closet, stuff my bag with them and leave home."

(「洋服」 surely means "Western-style clothes" literally, but because what 99% of Japanese people wear on a daily basis are such clothes, the word just means "clothes" to us.)


dekakeru means to go out, as in for a stroll or to do errands. So the speaker put the clothes in a bag and left the house.

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