I am currently in the process of slowly learning kanji. I have found out that there are 2136 characters of general use "joyo" kanji, but it is said that the total number of kanji characters could be very well over 50,000, though obviously it is very rarely used, if at all.
A question then came into mind. What happens when someone already fluent in joyo kanji (imagine a native japanese high school student in his/her final year) were to read a printed text out loud that happens to contain a single kanji they did not know before? Did they simply skip it? Or is it actually possible to make an educated guess of the pronunciation of the character?
I would imagine it would be common courtesy to at least provide furigana when printing kanji outside of the joyo list, but I do wonder what happens when it is printed without.
Obviously being a relative beginner in japanese, I could not provide an example, so it would be nice if the answer also contains an example.