I came across this sentence today and it stumped me a little.


The 場面に合った part I’m don’t understand, and why is it in past tense?

Thank you in advance!

Eiríkr Útlendi
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    場面に合った話し方 is "speech style which suits the scenario". I couldn't tell you why it's in past tense. Tense in relative clauses often mystifies me. – user3856370 May 19 '20 at 14:49

3 Answers3


場面 is "scene/situation", and 合う is "to match/fit/accord". 場面に合う is "to fit the situation". Therefore, 場面に合った話し方 is "the way of speaking that fits the situation", "appropriate way of speaking for each scene", etc.

Regarding this た, it describes not 過去 (past tense) but something called 完了 (perfect aspect). It describes the continuation of the state as a result of an action. It's the fourth definition of デジタル大辞泉:

4 動作・作用の結果が存続している意を表す。…ている。…てある。「割れたガラス窓から風が吹き込む」

This type of た is often interchangeable with ている. Please see the following related questions:

合う, as well as its antonym 間違う, is an instant state-change verb. You may know you can say 合っています ("that's correct") and 間違っています ("that's wrong").

(By the way, the archaic version of this type of た is たり, not べし/べき. たる is the attributive form of たり, so 咲きたる桜 in archaic Japanese is 咲いた桜 or 咲いている桜 in modern Japanese.)

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This used be 合うべき Old/Middle Japanese べき is translated as 'should'.
When you think of 'should' is a past tense of 'shall'.

The way of talking which should fit into the situation.

And 場面に合う話し方 isn't too bad, either.


It is basically "Before going to Japan I practiced speaking at various levels so that I could speak in various situations in Japan."

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