So I understand that translating literally is often not enough, since there has to be a "patching" between the cultures of the two languages. What I don't understand is how to handle translations like マサラタウン or certain movie/song names like ミュウツーの逆襲 EVOLUTION (yes, this is about Pokemon).
Let's take these two examples assuming one has no prior knowledge regarding the terms:
In the first example, I'd simply translate it has Masara Town. For Pokemon connoisseurs out there, you'd probably recognise the name Pallet Town, the English translation that appeared in games.
For the movie name, my first guess was "Mewtwo's Counterattack: EVOLUTION". The actual translation is "Mewtwo Strikes Back: EVOLUTION". I feel like I got the idea but it doesn't feel as natural.
I'm far from an expert, so I assume that I'll have these kind of problems until I can properly convey the original meaning. That being said, I'd like to know what's the thought process behind these types of translation. Does the writer/editor decide on a translation they're happy with, "coining" the term for other people to use? If so, does anyone have an idea on how do they do it?
Other name examples in which literal translation does not match:
- ルーシィ (Rushi) for Lucy
- リズベット (Rizubetto) for Lisbeth
- I could probably fill a page with these, but I think you lads and lasses got the idea
Note: I realise that this has potential to become an ongoing discussion and, thus leaving the purpose of this site. So I'd like to ask to tackle this from the following point of view: is there something I can actively do to eventually get these translations right or will I just have to use previously coined terms?