I came across two paragraphs in which こられた is mentioned.
1st paragraph:
2nd paragraph:
I am inclined to believe that こられた is working here as helping verb for 続ける and 頑張る。
If the report is a true thing + until now + physical condition が sick+while でも job を continue こられた(was to come?)のに、。。。
In other words: If the report is true, and until now while being sick he WAS TO COME to continue to work, and to here he (abe) is being made to quit, it is very bad.
moreover + diplomacy で feeling of presence を enhanced meaning からも、whole heart and soul で persevere + WAS TO COME と respect を I want to express.
In other words: Moreover, because, by diplomacy he also enhanced the meaning of japanlandia, with heart and soul he WAS TO COME to persevere, I want to express my respect.
Are my surmises correct in regards to こられた working as helping passive verb?