Would just like to check my understanding of お前の持ってる徽章のことで交渉がしたい

Am I correct that the のこと nominalizes "お前の持ってる徽章" and で is simply means 'with' for 交渉がしたい

"With the talisman you have - I want to negotiate"

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  • Nominalization is not needed, since お前の持ってる徽章 is already a noun. I see this のこと after a noun quite often and I'm pretty sure they just use it when they want to say "about" as in "discuss about, negotiate about, think about" etc. – andrewb Aug 31 '20 at 06:54
  • The で keeps irking me for some reason.

    Is it grammatical to say お前の持ってる徽章のことを交渉したい

    – Ryan Aug 31 '20 at 07:03
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    http://www.edewakaru.com/archives/15531056.html "grammar not on JLPT" lol – broccoli forest Aug 31 '20 at 16:11

1 Answers1


This こと is not a nominalizer. Nominalization refers to turning a verb/adjective into a noun. It looks like this:

  • 食べる to eat
  • 食べること eating
  • 青い blue
  • 青いこと blueness

お前の持ってる徽章 is already a noun phrase, and it doesn't have to be nominalized. This ~のこと means "things about..." or "matter regarding...". Please see What is the こと in sentences such as あなたのことが好きだ?

I want to negotiate with you about/regarding the insignia you have.

Eddie Kal
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