I have about a semester of Japanese under my belt, so my ability to read the language is 'not great,' especially when it comes to getting any kind of nuance out of a statement. At the moment, I'm working on translating:
My current attempts to parse this:
- 一人 でも 多くの - One person, but, many, (no) -- "But many individual's..." Maybe? Perhaps the de is part of the first word:
- 一人で も 多くの - By oneself/voluntarily, more/again, many (nominalized) -- "In the future, voluntarily [do something repeatedly]..."
- 方 に - From what I can tell, the likely candidates are for 方 are for it to be pronounced 'hou' and to mean 'direction,' or for it to be pronounced 'kata' and either mean 'direction' or possibly be a way to say 'lady' or gentleman.' The latter seems likely enough, given that the person who wrote this is apparently prone to such word uses.
- コメント して いただけたら 嬉しいので - comments, by/as, to be good/exquisite or 'potentially receive', happy
So my feeble attempt to read this settles on something like: "I would be happy if you ladies and gentleman were to voluntarily leave more comments in the future."
If anyone more seasoned can offer their translation, I'd be much obliged. Any commentary on how to parse the original statement would surely be enlightening.