Is it possible to grammatically combine two separate sentences Xがverb。Yがverb。into just one sentence Xが、Yが、verb。? For example,

料理ができる。掃除ができる。→ 料理が、掃除が、できる。

My original motivation is to understand the role of が in the more complex sentence:

ただ喜びと悲しみのあいだにある多くの事象、その互いの位置関係みたいなもの、まだうまく見きわめられなかっただけだ。(村上 春樹. 一人称単数 (Japanese Edition) (Kindle Locations 23-25)

I found many questions regarding multiple use of the が particle in a sentence but to the best of my knowledge they concern the case in which one of the が is on a relative clause which I think it is not the case here.

Sergio Parreiras
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1 Answers1


What you have suggested is possible. Murakami's sentence is an example of right-node raising explained here:

But usually you should not do this in a simple sentence like 「料理が、掃除ができる」. This sounds unnecessarily literary or even theatrical to me. This might be fine in lyrics or as a catchphrase of a robot, but in most cases you should be saying 料理や掃除ができる or 料理と掃除ができる instead.

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