We can say something like this, using a passive verb at the end of a sentence:
But when we put verb before a noun to modify it, which of the following could you use, or would be correct?
We can say something like this, using a passive verb at the end of a sentence:
But when we put verb before a noun to modify it, which of the following could you use, or would be correct?
You can safely put a passive verb before a noun to form a relative clause. 世界中で話されている英語 means "English which is spoken all over the world".
But please note that 子供に与えられる玩具 is ambiguous; technically it means both "the toy given by the child" and "the toy given to the child" depending on the context (although in this case the latter is more likely for obvious reasons). See: The meaning of ”あれは魔術師に与えられた祝福” and this answer. On the other hand, 子供に与える玩具 only means "the toy someone gives to a child".
Ambiguous relative clause happens with non-passive relative clauses, too. See: Ambiguity when describing with verbs, e.g. 酒を飲ませる人 and ambiguous-relative-clauses.