I found this sentence:
The sealife poaching group consisted of 12 men in their 20s to 40s.
Since I can read better than speak, I was wondering how to read the ~, so I looked it up here
and I found
To indicate ranges (5時〜6時, from 5 o'clock to 6 o'clock; 東京〜大阪 Tokyo to Osaka). In such cases it may be read as ...kara...made (...から...まで)
Does that mean the reading sounds like this
みつりょうグループはにじゅう から よんじゅう まで だいのおとこじゅうに にん
or is it
みつりょうグループはにじゅう から よんじゅうだい まで のおとこじゅうに にん
or possibly even
みつりょうグループはにじゅうだい から よんじゅうだい まで のおとこじゅうに にん