Recently I came across


And I was surprised to see it written like that rather than


Is this a general thing that can be done with any 連用形 form of a verb? If not, then which ones? And what nuance does this carry, when compared with any of the "normal"?

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    直取り is a noun (する). I don't think it can be conjugated in to 直取る at all. The word does not even appear in dictionaries. – Shurim Mar 02 '21 at 19:57
  • Ah okay, thanks! I didn't see it as a word in the initial dictionary I used, and I didn't bother checking another since I just assumed 直 was used adverbably. – MegaZeroX Mar 02 '21 at 20:41

1 Answers1


This 直取り is a noun coined from the masu-stem of a verb, also working as a suru-verb. There is no such a verb as 直取る. (直取れば may be used as a joke, though.)

お願い is a representative example of this; you can say お願いすれば but not お願う or お願えば. Other examples of suru-verbs that may look like godan/ichidan verbs include 馬鹿売れ, お使い, ひとっ飛び, 前借り, 大泣き and so on. Hmm, maybe this happens often with adverb-like prefixes?

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