I must first point that Japanese text in the article you cited has a few not fully natural places, including the very phrase 学習の助けをするおもちゃ you asked. I don't know if it is because the writer tries to reduce grammar level or due to their fluency.
学習の助け is a common expression to mean "learning aid" or "aid to learning", and 助け is a noun "aid, assist, helping hand" as you said. If you want to literally translate toys to help you learn, you have several options:
- 学習を助けるおもちゃ "toys that (will) help learning"
- 学習を助けるためのおもちゃ "toys for helping learning"
- 学習の助けとなるおもちゃ "toys to be aids to learning"
- 学習の助けのためのおもちゃ "toys (made) for aids to learning"
However, the collocation 学習の助けをするおもちゃ (which would be "toys work as aids to learning") is extremely rare*, especially for inanimate objects which are not self-aware to do something. 助け can certainly connect to ~をする much more often as a base of compounds: 手助けをする, 人助けをする..., but I'd rather recommend remembering ~の助けとなる as a set phrase for your meaning.
* FYI I only got 90 hits on Google.co.jp.