When to use 「助かります」, when to use 「助かりました」?
Viewed 170 times
1Related: https://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/384/7810, https://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/20966/7810 – broccoli forest Apr 12 '21 at 08:50
1 Answers
Before and after receiving help?
- A-San: This sofa is heavy
- B-San: I'll grab the other end
- A-San: 助かります (effectively, "that would be helpful")
vs after from same situation above they finish moving the sofa
- A-San: ありがとう!助かりました。
- B-San: どう致しまして
A similar situation for the first.
- A-San: I'm going out in the snow
- B-San: I have some gloves I could loan you
- A-San: 借りていいの?助かります (It's okay to borrow them? That would be helpful)
Then later when A-San gets back
- A-San: この手袋はとても暖かった。助かりました。(these gloves were super warm, they/you were helpful)
- B-San: よかったです。いつでも借りていいよ。(effectively: glad it worked out, you can borrow them anytime)

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