The following phrase is said in the beginning of the movie Kimi no Na wa:


The characters are talking while eating breakfast, so the meaning is probably "I'll make breakfast tomorrow".

But what exactly is the function of でね in this sentence? At first I thought it was a combination of the contextual particle and the sentence-ending particle , but how can "making breakfast" be a context? I must be getting something wrong.

Also, I don't think this is related to the answer, since でね is coming after a non-conjugated verb here.

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  • I'm not going to make it a full answer on the off chance that a native would have more to say about this, but this is basically 関西弁 way of saying よね, as far as I'm aware – keke May 18 '21 at 19:50
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    @keke This is not 関西弁 but some other dialect. The meaning is close to 作るからね. – aguijonazo May 18 '21 at 22:18
  • I don't know if it helps to identify the dialect or not, but the movie also uses や in place of だ more than once. – Nighteen May 19 '21 at 00:54

1 Answers1


This でね is roughly the same as sentence-end よ or からね in standard Japanese. This type of でね is not used in western dialects I'm familiar with. I don't know much about the areas where でね is used, but since the movie is set at a rural area in Gifu prefecture (middle Japan), it should be used at least in Gifu.

で that comes after the dictionary form of a predicate is a dialectal sentence-end particle similar to ぞ or よ. This particle itself is common also in Kansai-ben (eg 行くで, 作ったで, 嬉しいで, 本当やで), but it's usually not followed by ね in Kansai.

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    What kind から used in からね? Is it the same から used in warnings like「首にするからな!!」? – Jimmy Yang May 19 '21 at 03:50
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    @JimmyYang Yes, that から that is similar in purpose to "You know", "Listen", "Keep in mind", etc. – naruto May 19 '21 at 06:54