On Kana-Boon's スノーグローブ (Snow Globe) song, there are two versions of the same sentence:



What is the difference between these two sentences? Does の have a possession meaning, like "Your white snow that you like"?

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1 Answers1


They both mean the same:

I will be the white snow that you like.

There is not much difference here. In a clause that modifies a noun, the subject marker が is often changed to の, especially when it is near the noun.

However, since the predicate is 好き in this case, the first sentence with が could have a second meaning:

I will be the white snow that likes you.

In this interpretation, 君 would be the object of the verb "to like" in English. (好き is an adjective in Japanese.)

Maybe this was intended.

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  • +1 for pointing out something I hadn't considered to feel in the first sentence, the notion that "you" is the object of affection, not merely the snow. That made my day brighten just to imagine. Beautiful words. – A.Ellett May 27 '21 at 17:49