I have read this sentence:


and I don't understand why is the の required. As far as I understand, が is used to indicate the subject of the sentence, in this case a picture (what is liked). My understanding is that が should be enough. In addition, I have translated that sentence (without the の) with Google Translate and it works as well.

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1 Answers1


In this context, the の particle essentially turns the dictionary form of the verb 「見る」- to watch, into 「見るの」- watching, in the sense that it can now function as a noun in the sentence and become a subject or object. You will also often see 「こと」 used this way.

So, yes, it is required. It is not the possessive の particle that you are thinking of, but a different の particle.

Edit - just to clarify - it's required when it's a verb, not when the thing you like is already a noun.

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