I am quite confused regarding the differences between the usages of ように and ことに when they precede する/なる. Here are some examples:
- 忘れ物をしないようにしましょう
- 忘れ物をしないことにしましょう
In the previous example, I would think that in the 1st sentence the speaker would want the listeners to make sure there wouldn't be anything forgotten, while in the 2nd they would want the listeners to pay attention or to make an effort to not forget anything. Which makes sense to me because ようにする seems to have the meaning of "ある状態にする", while ことにする seems to have a meaning of "決意・努力をする" (please do tell me if I'm wrong). However, I can't tell the difference between the two if する is in continuative form, like in the following example:
- 私は毎晩寝る前に日記を書くことにしています
- 私は毎晩寝る前に日記を書くようにしています
When the following verb is なる, on the other hand, I can't tell the difference at all. For example, what's the difference between the following pairs of sentences?
- ここの電気は人が通るとつくようになっています
- ここの電気は人が通るとつくことになっています
- 田中さんは家庭の事情で中国旅行には参加しないことになりました
- 田中さんは家庭の事情で中国旅行には参加しないようになりました
What are the differences between ように and ことに?