I keep seeing this at the end of sentences lately, but couldn't find much explaining it online. When I see it, I feel like it's usually serving as some kind of explanation but I'm not entirely sure. For example, I was watching a show and a character asks why the other is wearing a uniform. They then say: 今日バスケ部の試合だったんだ。ちょっとお手伝いでね。 I understand that he was explaining he was just there to help out, but I don't understand the nuance でね adds to the sentence.

1 Answers1


This is not some special construction, but is a simple combination of で and ね. ね is a sentence-final particle used to seek agreement or draw the listener's attention.

で can be either a case particle or the continuative form of the copula だ. As a case particle, で has many roles, so its translation can vary.

  • 東京でね。
    (That is) in Tokyo, you know.
  • 3日でね。
    Within three days, okay?
  • ハサミでね。
    With/Using scissors, right?
  • 1人でね!
    (You do it) alone!

Likewise, で in お手伝いで is a case particle that marks a condition/scope/situation.

  • 手伝いバスケの試合に出た。
    I went to a basketball game as an aid/help.
  • ちょっとお手伝いね。
    As a little help, you know.

で can also be the te-form of the copula (だ). A te-form can be at the end of a sentence in casual speech. For examples of this type of でね, see: What exactly is this でね construction?

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