I've come across different usages of 歩く as a verb and was unsure in which scenarios they would be most appropriate to use.

Is 歩く used with 来る?


Or is it used with 行く?


Or is it just used on its own?


What's the difference between these three?

Eddie Kal
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1 Answers1


-ていく and -てくる are subsidiary verbs that can attach to almost any verb. They can safely attach to 歩く, too.

-ていく/-てくる are very common and important in Japanese. Practically speaking, 歩きます without -ていく/-てくる may sound unnatural in many cases, unless you want to emphasize the method of going/coming.

When you feel like using -てくる, be sure to keep this rule in mind, too. 東京タワーまで歩いて来ます is used only when the speaker is already at or near Tokyo Tower.

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