



According to this post accepted answer,

It's still the object marker. The sentence is just not finished and the verb is implied.

However, I don't think this is the case here. As far as I'm concerned, we can leave out を without changing its meaning:

あなた無しで生きてる私 (A)

I've done some research online, coming across the following:

を (Human emotion) marks a noun or noun phrase that serves as the cause of some inward human emotion. It pairs with inwardly-pointed verbs of emotion such as よろこぶ [To be glad]、[悲]{かな}しむ [To be sad]、[懐]{なつ}かしむ [To miss / To yearn for], and [悩]{なや}む [To be worried].

Recovered from wildnihongo

No example ending with solely を was provided, though. From this source, the construction is given by Noun / Noun Phrase + を, which happens to be the case with (A).

The source also notes that this usage of を is rather literary:

(1) を (Human emotion) is very literary and you are unlikely to hear it in spoken Japanese.

This what I've gathered so far from English sources.

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    @aguijonazo Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that あなた無しで生きてる modifies to mean I, who lives without you. Therefore, we could translate the verse as If you were able to see who I am right now, I wonder what you would think of me, who lives without you. This is assuming that を can be placed at the end of a sentence to indicate emotion without the need of pairing it up with a verb. – Nameless Oct 17 '21 at 15:41
  • In the same post a linked, there is a comment in the accepted answer saying, "Sentences ending with just を are very often interpreted in the meaning of wishing something to someone else, and I don't think anybody tries to fill in the verb for that, so perhaps you can say this specific を is quite stand-alone." This is why I think it is possible for を to be functioning as a sentence-ending particle. – Nameless Oct 17 '21 at 15:53
  • It is paired with the verb 思う. It is more common to say 私のことを than 私を in normal speech or writing, though. – aguijonazo Oct 17 '21 at 15:58
  • @Nameless You can forget that 西部に活力を question for now. In your case, the corresponding verb (思う) is right there in the second line. – naruto Oct 17 '21 at 15:58

1 Answers1


The sentence has the ABと思う construction ("to think of A as B"), but the Bと part is replaced to どう, and どう思う is placed before the object (倒置法). The implied subject of 思う is (seemingly deceased) あなた. 私 is modified by the relative clause あなた無しで生きてる ("who is living without you").

In the normal word order, the sentence is:


Which can be translated to:

If you could see me as I am now,
What would you think of me living without you?

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