
Can someone explain what the いて is in the above sentence, is it いる?

Eddie Kal
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1 Answers1


覚えていてください just means "(please) remember". 覚えている is the -teiru form of 覚える, and 覚えていてください is its -tekudasai form.

In Japanese, verbs like 知る, 分かる, 覚える and so on work a little differently from English equivalents. The fundamental meaning of 覚える is "to memorize", and you need the -teiru form when you want to say something is already in your memory.

  • 覚えます。
    I will memorize it.
  • 覚えています。
    I remember it. (I can recall it. / I have memorized it and its result still exists.)
  • 覚えているところです。
    I am (in the process of) memorizing it.
  • 覚えてください。
    Please memorize it (from now).
  • 覚えていてください。
    Please remember it. (Don't forget it. / Keep it in mind.)
    (In a rare context: Keep memorizing it.)

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