I'm interested in the grammatical function and overall precise translation of the conjunction made of two particles(?) in the following clause. My attempt: "being tall, (as/like/for example/of/that is/such that/as in/reaching/having/hoping?) at least 180cm". Why couldn't we just use a simple の-particle instead?

と here is an abbreviation of と いう よう に. (Read Real Japanese)

I suspect these grammar dictionary entries are relevant:

㊦ という Phrase

A phrase marking information which identifies or explains the noun following the phrase. Called; that says ~; that

㊦ ように (2) Auxiliary Adjective (な)

An adverbial form of ようだ As; like

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    You'll have to be a bit more specific. These points of grammar are used in a variety of ways. Without much more context, you're leaving us guessing or just scratching our heads. – A.Ellett Nov 09 '21 at 13:41
  • @A.Ellett Here's the whole sentence: 由美ちゃんは、学歴と収入の高さに 加えて、百八十センチ以上と、背の高いことも、必須条件に加えた。 – rych Nov 09 '21 at 15:03
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    I have never thought this と is an "abbreviation". と has a content-descripting function all by itself. の doesn't work because 180cm以上 modifies an adjective ("(背が)高い"). Unfortunately this と doesn't have a perfect equivalent in English, but "like" may be the closest. In written English, parentheses or a colon can be used (being tall (180 cm or more)). – naruto Nov 10 '21 at 02:13

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