I'm not understanding how 〜し works in the sentence below. It seems to operating as the standard connective, but why does it affect the conjugation of 漕ぎ出す?


Eddie Kal
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    https://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/9772/30454 – Eddie Kal Jan 11 '22 at 18:22
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    As Eddie's linked post describes, what you have here is the compound verb 漕【こ】ぎ出【だ】す ("to row out") conjugated into the 連用形【れんようけい】 ("continuative or stem form") and used conjunctively. In Japanese education for non-native speakers, conjunctive constructions are commonly taught using the ~て form, which is (mostly) the 連用形【れんようけい】 of a verb + て. However, the 連用形【れんようけい】 alone can be used in a conjunctive construction, which is what we have in your sample sentence. – Eiríkr Útlendi Jan 11 '22 at 22:53

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