

  • 313,860
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kuroi tora
  • 11
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1 Answers1

  • 1回の額: 1回の減給額 = per-event amount (of pay cut)
  • 総額: 減給の総額 = total (or accumulated/cumulative) amount (of pay cut)

This is a sentence that says the following two things at the same time (right-node raising):

  • 1回の額が平均賃金の1日分の半額以内で減給する。
  • 総額が一賃金支払期における賃金総額の10分の1以内で減給する。

If you do something wrong just once, a wage of up to 0.5 days will be deducted. Even if you do something wrong many times, the cumulative amount of penalty will not exceed (0.1 × 一賃金支払期における賃金総額) yen.

一賃金支払期における賃金総額 basically refers to your monthly salary (if you are paid monthly).

  • 313,860
  • 13
  • 324
  • 625
  • I don't understand what 10分の1 means here. – Jimmy Yang Jan 21 '22 at 00:42
  • 1
    @JimmyYang It's 'one tenth', or 1/10, or 10% (of a month's salary). – naruto Jan 21 '22 at 00:45
  • Thanks, one more thing: If 1回の額 and 総額 both refer to pay cut, then 減給する actually means "to increase (pay cut)"? – Jimmy Yang Jan 21 '22 at 01:12
  • @JimmyYang 減給する is just "to cut salary". 額 refers to the "amount" (of money). Literally, 1万円以内で減給する = "to cut salary up to 10,000 yen", 1回の額が1万円以内で減給する = "to cut salary with a per-event amount being up to 10,000 yen". – naruto Jan 21 '22 at 01:19
  • Ah, that means I should understand the sentence like this way「(1回の額が1万円以内で)減給する」, 1回の額 is not a subject for 減給する, and it modifies 1万円以内. Is that right? – Jimmy Yang Jan 21 '22 at 01:29
  • 1
    @JimmyYang Yes, exactly. – naruto Jan 21 '22 at 01:31
  • so, if I do something wrong many times, I'll get 9000円 if the salary is 10000円? – kuroi tora Jan 23 '22 at 03:02
  • @kuroitora Theoretically yes, but in practice, 減給 is not a common penalty at least in Japan. You may get fired before getting 10% of your salary deducted. – naruto Jan 24 '22 at 05:11