Is the 2nd image (one below the google translate) more accurate? Is the のですが just completely wrong or?

Also I know the Google translate is wrong at the end because I accidentally had a new line after "call".

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1 Answers1


Both machine translations are not very natural. I would translate this as:

I want to call him but I'm sleep so I won't call him tonight.

  • 彼に電話したいですが、眠いので今夜はしません。
  • 彼に電話をしたいですが、眠いので今晩はやめておきます。

Either way, の before ですが is perfectly natural. This type of の is called explanatory-の, and it's perfectly natural to use it to set up a context, as in your sentence. See the "preliminary remarks" section in the linked article. See also: What is the meaning of ~んです/~のだ/etc?

Besides, you need a contrastive-は after 今夜/今晩. This is something easily forgotten by English speakers, but it's important.

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