
How to combine the following components?

  1. エリスが去った理由 -> the reason that Erisu left

  2. 自分に愛想をつかしたと勘違いしたルーデウスは -> Rudeusu, who misunderstood and (??) used up friendliness himself (???)

  3. 失意のまま -> heart-broken state (Is this treated as an adverb? If so, for 探す or でる?)

  4. 行方不明の家族を探す旅にでる -> goes out (starts) a trip to find the missing families.

Eddie Kal
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1 Answers1


This sentence has a Aを + Bと + verb construction, where A is エリスが去った理由 and B is 自分に愛想をつかした(こと). And (~に)愛想を尽かす is a set phrase meaning "to run out of patience with ~", "to give up on ~".

Rudeus, who mistakenly thought that the reason Eris left was because she ran out of patience with him, ...
Having mistaken Eris's departure as a sign that she gave up on him, Rudeus...

...while still being disappointed, ...
(Adverbially modifies (旅に)出る. まま is one of the no-adjectives that can also work as an adverb without に. This part could have been 失意のまま, too.)

...starts a trip to find his missing family members.

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