


What's the difference? Some people said it means the same thing, but when I googled it several people were saying several different things and I'm lost. I read that 日本語を話せますか seems a little bit sudden in a conversation so it's better to use 日本語は話せますか but when Japanese is not a new topic, 日本語を話せますか is more natural.

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    Hello @Rodrigo, welcome to Japanese Stackexchange! Regarding the difference between the second and the third sentence, please check out The difference between が and を with the potential form of a verb.

    Please note that before posting a new question, you can (and are encouraged to) search it with the search bar at the top, because it's possible that someone has asked it before and there's already a bunch of answers and an open discussion about it.

    – jarmanso7 Apr 18 '22 at 02:16
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    I see two different aspects in your question. First, the replacement of を or が by は, and second, the difference between を and が with potential verbs such as 話せる. I suggest tackling both concerns separately. – jarmanso7 Apr 18 '22 at 02:23
  • Also related: https://japanese.stackexchange.com/a/58348/32952 – jarmanso7 Apr 18 '22 at 02:31

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