I'm trying to make sense of the lyrics to "I'm Nobody" by Showtaro Morikubo, particularly this line:

Don't know why... 映ろう景色に散りぬれど

I've tried to find an explanation of the 「~ぬれど」 conjugation, but couldn't find a good source in English and so have been trying to understand Google translations of explanations such as this one from Yahoo! Answers.

Based on that, I think that it comes from the (I assume slightly obscure or obsolete) auxiliary verb 「ぬる」, which implies completing something, and the particle 「ど」 which is a variant of 「けれど」, so the line translates to something like "The reflected scenery scatters all around me, but ...".

Is my understanding correct, or nearly correct, or completely wrong? Is there an English language resource that would help explain this conjugation?

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1 Answers1


散りぬれど is made of three words:

So 散りぬれど means "even though (something) has scattered", or 散ったけれど/散ってしまったが in modern Japanese.

FWIW, に in 景色に is a destination particle, not a subject marker. The sentence basically says something/someone has dissolved into the scenery (hence "I'm nobody"). I think うつろう here probably means "(ever)changing/fading", although it's usually written 移ろう in kanji.

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  • Aha, I see! Thank you for the in-depth breakdown of the components and the explanation in context. – ConMan Oct 07 '22 at 03:13