In my immersion, I have come across the word 悪戯, which places an "いた" reading on 悪. However, when I look up the character "悪", I don't see "いた" listed as an acceptable reading.

Is this just a super rare reading of this character? Is there a mistake in this dictionary?

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    熟字訓や当て字は聞かれたことがないんですか? – Angelos Oct 14 '22 at 20:41
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    This is an example of 熟字訓 (じゅくじくん), which user5185 has explained nicely in an answer to another question: https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/24513/where-does-the-な-in-大人-otona-come-from/24515#24515 – Nanigashi Oct 14 '22 at 21:12

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