サンプルが腐った色のレストラン (from a 川柳)
I'm confused by the の and how to parse this sentence.
The most straight-forward parse doesn't sit well with me.
- サンプルが腐った色 : The color of rotten sample. (サンプル is the subject of 腐った)
- 〇〇色のレストラン: Restaurant with color 〇〇 (eg: 黄色のレストラン yellow restaurant)
But then it would mean "Restaurant with color of rotten sample." That seems a bit backward, I would expect the meaning to be "Restaurant whose samples have rotten color". Do I miss anything ? How do we parse that sentence and what does it mean?
Maybe this の is a sort of copula and we can do something like サンプルが黄色のレストラン or something?