Questions tagged [renyōkei]

連用形. An inflection of verbs and adjectives known by various names in English, including "continuative form", "infinitive", "the stem", "conjunctive form", and even "Vmasu form" (since it's the form that appears before 〜ます, although of course this name doesn't work for adjectives). Sometimes called 中立形 in Japanese. Formed with -i for consonant-stem verbs, -∅ for vowel-stem verbs, and -ku for adjectives.

Questions about the 連用形{れんようけい} ren'yōkei form of verbs, known by the English terms "continuative" or "conjunctive".

95 questions
2 answers


Are there any explanations for the 五段動詞-specific イ音便 of 連用形+た/て that aren't based/dependent on the 子音語幹/母音語幹 explanation for the differences in 五段動詞/上一段動詞 conjugations? For example, take 開く and 飽きる, setting aside the fact that they have completely…
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Renyoukei at the end of a sentence I'm curious about the renyoukei at the end of the last sentence of the description: ある日、偶然拾ったスマホがきっかけで、キュラが、好奇心旺盛な人間の少女・ハナに出会ってしまい・・・。 What does it do at the end of a sentence? Google Translate makes…
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The use of し in this sentence

I'm using manga to learn some grammar and the following sentence came up. オレは旅をし世界をめぐっていると… I can't figure out why し is being used. I know it can be used for listing and such, but being next to を particle confuses me.
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Can you use the し particle without dictionary forms?

日本は集団主義、序列社会である。ものを大事にし、他者への配慮、思いやりを理解すべし I'm struggling to work out the precise function of the し in ものを大事にし here. Well - I'm quite sure it is the し particle for linking clauses, but the lack of a dictionary form before it is putting me off. Surely…