I'm using Cisco Package Tracer Student to test some networks. But I'm getting the error "Invalid IP for this subnet mask" when I try to set the IP of a PC as OR and the mask as, this network is supposed to be an /23 so the valid range should be from to

If I set the PC's IP as it works, just as Why can't I use those I need?

Ron Maupin
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Mateus Barbosa
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  • Did any answer help you? If so, you should accept the answer so that the question doesn't keep popping up forever, looking for an answer. Alternatively, you can provide and accept your own answer. – Ron Maupin Feb 19 '18 at 04:25

1 Answers1


It's because those are invalid host addresses for your network. You are trying to straddle the boundary between two different networks for that network mask.

Address    = 00001010000000010000000111111111
Mask = 11111111111111111111111000000000
                  AND   ================================
Network               = 00001010000000010000000000000000 =

The broadcast address for your network,, is, which is the address you are trying to use.

Address      = 00001010000000010000001000000000
Mask = 11111111111111111111111000000000
                  AND   ================================
Network               = 00001010000000010000001000000000 =

The network address for your network,, is, which is the address you are trying to use.

You could use the addresses you want to use if you use a shorter network mask, e.g. /22.

Ron Maupin
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  • The idea is to have a bigger network, so it needs to be /23. What do I have to do for my network be from to so?? – Mateus Barbosa Jun 01 '17 at 23:22
  • If you must have a /23 network, then you cannot use those addresses because they are not usable addresses, and they are in two separate networks. If you shorten the mask length (smaller network, but more network hosts), then you can use those addresses. For that network mask, or any longer network mask (larger network, fewer hosts), you simply cannot use those two addresses because they will be the broadcast and network addresses of different networks. – Ron Maupin Jun 01 '17 at 23:25
  • The ranges are and The range you request ( does not exist because there is no binary prefix that matches it. – Sander Steffann Jun 01 '17 at 23:28
  • @MateusBarbosa, I don't think you really understand subnetting. If you read and understand the excellent answer to this question, you will understand how this works. It is really a prerequisite to know how to do this before you start assigning networks and addresses. – Ron Maupin Jun 01 '17 at 23:35
  • Thank you @SanderSteffann I was thinking about it but my teacher gave me an example that we used the range I said so it should be correct. Since you explained me better I'll talk to him. – Mateus Barbosa Jun 01 '17 at 23:43
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    @MateusBarbosa, it may be that your teacher wanted you to discover and figure this out on your own. I know some teachers that do something very similar to this. It proves that you understand subnetting if you can discover that this is a problem and define a solution. It could also be that the teacher doesn't really understand it himself. – Ron Maupin Jun 01 '17 at 23:49