One big problem I see right off the bat is that you have duplicate networks in Area 2 and Area 4.
The networks
are really the same network:
The networks
are really the same network:
That will cause an anycast situation, where the routing protocol will have the same network advertised from two different places, but there will only be one entry in the routing table, which is the closest (by the routing protocol metrics), so different routers in Area 0 will have different paths.
You certainly need to fix the addressing, and that may solve all of your problems, but there may be others that we cannot see because you didn't include the router configurations, routing tables, etc.
It appears that you do not have a full grasp of IPv4 addressing, and I would suggest that you read and understand the answers to this question.
), which will automatically create scroll boxes for each configuration. – Ron Maupin Dec 02 '18 at 17:02