If i'm designing a new subnet mask for a class C IP that will have 5 subnets that means I need to borrow 3 digits since 2^3-2 > 5. My question is, how many additional subnets do we have?

would it be 2^3-2 = 6 --> 6-5 = 1 additional subnet


would it be 2^3 = 8 --> 8-5 = 3 additional subnets

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  • classfull addressing is dead for 27 years, forget about it. Also sorry but homework questions are off-topic here. – JFL May 19 '20 at 08:30
  • But for reference you can read this answer or this one – JFL May 19 '20 at 08:33
  • Network classes are dead (please let them rest in peace), killed in 1993 (before the commercial Internet) by RFCs 1517, 1518, and 1519, which defined CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing). Modern networking does not use network classes. – Ron Maupin May 19 '20 at 13:26
  • I see now, ill make sure to keep homework questions out of here but it was interesting to see that im learning dead content – Muu May 20 '20 at 00:58

1 Answers1


For 6 usable host in /29 ( subnet (borrowing 3 bits) would be required.

2^3 - 2 = 8 - 2 = 6

PS: Even we can use First IP (Network IP) is some systems too

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