I'm 6 weeks into a 15 week website/ web development project with a non-profit organisation. With this client I deal with
- the internal IT manager
- a key administrative assistant
- an in-house designer
- the CEO
The internal IT manager is the most technically skilled, reasonable and appears to have the best long term knowledge. Interactivity with the CEO has been minimal, largely on a "trust establishment" level.
The IT manager has just told me she will be away on annual leave in weeks 9,10,11. This is something I hadn't taken into account, in fact I specifically asked if anyone will be away travelling for 1+ weeks when the project scope was written.
The project is largely divided into:
Website upgrade (40%, ca 75% complete): we are upgrading a Joomla website including a wide range of "hacks" that we re-apply and a module that we replace with a custom written one.
Website re-skinning (40%, ca 5% complete): The clients in-house designer has updated the look and feel and we are producing HTML and integrating it.
New module development (20%, 0% complete): We build and integrate a new module
What would you think are key areas of risk management that we should establish an agreement on with the client before this annual leave? My concerns are:
- administrative assistant is not as focused as IT manager and may take more of our time testing and need test guidance
- administrative assistant may not know all "hacked" functionality and what original intention was (we don't know 100% either, but have reeingineered hacks with SVN diff)
- Decisions that may cut into budget may need to be deferred as budget is always a concern with non profits
I am less worried about the reskin tasks, as the in-house designer had the lead on how it looks in any case and it is clearer to decide what is correct and what is not because it is visual