Questions tagged [small-projects]

For questions about management of small projects.


Management of small projects have a number of features related to small scale, such as, respectively, with low cost and short time duration. This tag is used to refer to questions of project management, where the problems are associated with low financial capability in deploing of project management environment, the need of high precision estimation and so on.

See also

46 questions
3 answers

Project Management for small / medium size project

There are lots of small / mid sized software companies and there are lot of small / mid sized projects in this world. The project management techniques we read in books are best suited for bigger projects. As we can not spend much time in PM related…
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1 answer

Former employer wants to collaborate on commercialising internal software, what is reasonable commission?

The basic scenario is that my former employer has been approached by another company who wish to license some software I wrote for them while I was in their employ and have approached me to work with them on making the changes required to…
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