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1500 questions
4 answers

Protecting the team against injection

How does the Scrum Master protect the team against the business rapidly changing priorities/contexts.
Mark Saluta
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9 answers

Is Backlog a list of items or a status of those items?

I'm a little confused about the "backlog" best practice and I would like to educate myself on this. I know the point of it, but the thing is, that I can't tell by definition, whether it's a status of an item or the collection of all items (no matter…
2 answers

What are some of the pros and cons of having a Project Management Office?

Are project management offices the exception or the rule in most organisations? Does every organisation need one? Do YOU see value in having one?
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3 answers

How does a PM in Prince2 fit in the Scrum story?

A colleague and I had a discussion a few days ago on where a PM in a Prince2 project would be placed when the product delivery is done using Scrum. I wonder what your thoughts are: who should the PM communication be to, taking into account the…
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4 answers

How do "action items" relate to various task identification and tracking methods used by agile methodologies?

I'm specifically thinking about the relationship between action items and various methods of organizing tasks in agile methodologies, such as user stories. I think this requires a little bit of a leap, but I don't think it's too off-base. My…
Thomas Owens
  • 19,399
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6 answers

What methodology to choose for rewriting an existing software, incremental or waterfall?

We are rewriting and re-designing a desktop application (something like QGIS) into a new Web Based application with new technology. We almost know 80% of the requirements and use cases because we have a working application. We estimate a 12 month…
4 answers

What's the role of a Resource Manager in Agile?

The following exchange took place in the comments to an answer to another question How do I manage development with testing and get proper reporting in JIRA?, which seem to highlight a different viewpoint between the principles of Agile, which is…
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2 answers

Are the 15 minutes Daily-Scrum timeboxes result of any public investigation?

For years I have been applying the suggested Scrum timeboxes with good results. Now it's my time to advise others trying to apply it. My advice is to follow the timeboxes because, otherwise, we will not have enough time to complete the job in a good…
  • 172
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1 answer

Is there an active IRC channel dedicated to project management?

Well, the question is the title. Are there any active channels for discussion about PM? i'm currently hanging on and it would be great to have a place to ask questions live.
6 answers

How to handle stakeholders' different understanding of project requirements?

As a software tester/QA, how to handle when stakeholders (e.g Project Manager and Developer) have different understanding of project requirements? I understand that this communication breakdown affects the release and QA timeline for the…
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3 answers

Are we allowed to move stories to future Sprints during a Sprint?

The Sprint Planning is done and, in the middle of the Sprint, the priority changed. Because of the priority change, the story needs to move to a future Sprint. This is not adding new stories, this is removing the planned stories. The story is not…
  • 153
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1 answer

Are there concrete differences between (SAFe + LeSS) Community of Practice and (Spotify) Chapter (and Guild) concepts?

SAFe promotes Communities of Practice (CoP) as groups of people who have a common interest in a specific technical or business domain and actively get together to sharpen up a set of skills. LeSS promotes Communities of Practice as groups of people…
Tiago Cardoso
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3 answers

Are development and testing of a feature done at the same time in Scrum?

Let's suppose a Scrum team needs to implement a new feature. Do QA engineers write automated tests for the feature at the same time as developers write code for the feature? In other words, QA engineers don't have anything to test yet, but are they…
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5 answers

How do you handle new tasks in an earned value analysis chart?

Earned Value Analysis is great on paper. However, I'm having difficulty using it for programming projects that tend to change dramatically from week to week. For example, a milestone is "complete test plan 2 on accounting package", however, in the…
  • 51
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3 answers

In Scrum, who has the vision and the roadmap documents?

I read some books about Scrum, but they seem to only be about product backlog, sprints, user stories, the scrum team, and timeboxing — but nothing about vision, roadmap, estimation, and other important things for a top level management. How do…
the fly
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