Questions tagged [communication]

This tag includes questions about communication-related topics like information flow, meetings, and reporting; communications plan development and management; and challenges that a Project Manager or project team can face in regards to communication issues.

This tag includes questions about communication-related topics like information flow, meetings and reporting, as well as all of the challenges that a PM or PM team can face in regards to communication issues.

The question could involve how to use communication software effectively, how to deal with different communication styles or cultural issues, or how to reduce communication paths. Any question that describes a problem faced in Project Management communication, or where there are problems due to communication, are a perfect fit for this tag.

Here are some questions that have been asked on this site under the communication tag:

214 questions
22 answers

Is it bad manners or practice to request "Read Receipt" to all mails sent from my account?

I'm working as PM, we have developers and senior managers working remotely and in-house. As a project manager, I'm at the center of all communications. The job of managing N lines of communication falls on my shoulders and can get overwhelming at…
Sandeep Kumar M
  • 815
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5 answers

Communicating non-viability of project

I'm a consultant usually brought in by companies doing project management on big projects, setting up operations etc. The last few years I have been dealing mainly with digital and creative agencies. This sector historically has a low level of…
Morten Kirsbo
  • 587
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  • 8
5 answers

How to deal with team manager who doesn't communicate problems in project?

There is a project team of about dozen of people. Whole development stuff is done by a team (7 people) led by a manager who is responsible for this part of the project. The manager organizes tasks, share the workload among developers, verify quality…
Pawel Brodzinski
  • 19,896
  • 56
  • 131
6 answers

How to I cut down on all of the communications?

I am new to Project Management. I am coming in on a project that was just implemented and is now in Post Implementation. The roles do not seem to be fully understood be everyone. Now, when something goes wrong, the world is emailing the world;…
  • 51
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1 answer

Is there an active IRC channel dedicated to project management?

Well, the question is the title. Are there any active channels for discussion about PM? i'm currently hanging on and it would be great to have a place to ask questions live.
4 answers

Helping leadership keep up with quickly moving projects

I lead the software development team at a mid-sized company. We follow an agile methodology with 3-week sprints, and use TFS for tracking all of our work. After considerable trial and error, I've been able to create a system that allows my team to…
  • 168
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3 answers

How to communicate a delay to a client when team member is ill?

Is it ok to communicate that a project is delayed due to a team member being sick? The reason I ask is because to some extend I feel it sounds pretty bad. But maybe there are some way to communicate it better than saying "sorry we're late because…
3 answers

On an IT project, how to manage and publicize (development and testing) environment usages?

Question: How to broadcast to the whole IT team the current and future environment usage plan, in a fluid project with constant changing priorities? Background: When a project is relatively small (5 to 10 people working with a specific module and…
Tiago Cardoso
  • 8,645
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4 answers

How do you evaluate a Project Manager's communications skills?

Having great communication skills is widely acknowledged as a must-have for any aspiring or seasoned Project Manager, and communications regularly cited as a key success (or failure) factor in projects. I don't recall ever seeing a job advert for a…
  • 3,233
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  • 22
3 answers

How to communicate effectivelly with less knowledgeable individuals

Possibly related to How to communicate technical obstacles?. In my current position I have found myself in difficulty when it comes to communicating technical difficulties or project management difficulties. A bit of context: I work in a startup of…
3 answers

How to plan a brainstorming session

I am in charge of a project in my company and currently trying to gather information about the current process in place and how to improve it on post-launch tracking. In order to do so, my manager told me I should plan a brainstorming session with…
  • 133
  • 4
2 answers

How can a manager dispel speculation of favoritism among employees?

The obvious action would be to not play favorites from the get-go. However, if members of a team voluntarily communicate with their manager at different frequencies/levels, soon enough there will be a self-selected discrepancy in employee…
  • 171
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4 answers

How to tell an estimation made by programmers is reasonable or not without technical skills?

I'm currently working on a game project. Since I don't have technical skills at all, sometimes it feels hard to doubt a programmer's estimation on a task is too much or not. My solution is: Break down the stories to small tasks as possible so the…
5 answers

Non-viability of a project

I'm aware that this question has some similarities to one that has already been asked but my position is slightly different I feel and therefore hopefully justifies asking for some advice. The organisation I've recently started to work for has…
  • 473
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  • 10
1 answer

How to tell my project sponsor that few of the requirements cannot be met

My technical team proposed new features than the initial requirements. How do I communicate the same to my sponsor ensuring he is kept satisfied?