I was just thinking about this the other day, after reading about making safe passwords, you have a few options:
The first would be, adding numbers, or something other than just a word
Password15068 or Pa55w0rd15068 or Passw0rd15068
But I believe the general consensus is that the more random, L337 speaky you get, the harder it is to remember.
The next method I read was taking 4-5 words and combining it to a phrase or a single word, say our 5 words are "dog" "walks" "in" "the" "yard". Possible passwords could be:
Dog walks in the yard or Dowainthya or some other jumbled combo...
But this poses the same issue of hard to remember. So it got me thinking, I don't think I'd ever do it, but is cracking software advanced enough to assume an emoji is 1 character? or would it read it out in unicode. Another thing is say I use this emoji: this generates to this code xn--ss8h
so would the password "Password" be read as 9 letters/nums? or 17?
Password or Passwordxn--ss8h
If it were to be read as the unicode, that would add an extra amount of letters for a cracker to have to guess. (assuming it's a brute force attack). Even in the event where the BF cracker finds the password Passwordxn--ss8h
would entering that in a password slot not let you log in because it's not the matching emoji?
This is obviously a theoretical situation, I don't think i'd ever actually condone this, but I think it could definitely help in the future when, instead of the password happyfacemoneybags
you could use: or
but the system would only let you log in if the correct icons are in the slot.
Update 1
This is in reference to running the possible passwords through a password checker.
Control Password: hellohello
generates a score of: 0% and a complexity of "very weak".
Some key things to note:
- I gain a bonus of +40 due to length
- I am deducted a total of -52 due to letters only, consecutive lowercase and repeat words
generates a score of: 42% and a complexity of "good".
Some key things to note:
- I gain a bonus of +64 due to symbols, lowercase, and length
- I am deducted a total of -24 due to consecutive lowercase and repeat words
generates a score of: 80% and a complexity of "very strong".
Some key things to note:
- I gain a bonus of +94 due to symbols, lowercase, uppercase, and length
- I am deducted a total of -18 due to consecutive lowercase and repeat words
generates a score of: 88% and a complexity of "very strong".
Some key things to note:
- I gain a bonus of +98 due to symbols, lowercase, uppercase, and length
- I am deducted a total of -10 due to consecutive lowercase and repeat words
Based on this password, clearly adding the symbol is making it a little bit more secure, but I am not sure what algorithm this password checker is based off of.
in this case), and then apply the hashing algorithm as usual. – Arturo Torres Sánchez Oct 19 '16 at 00:11