Can a password be so long as to be insecure? Yes.
When you look at the broad picture of security in your organization, security doesn't only mean "protect accounts with unguessable passwords." Security must protect the whole organization with the "CIA Triad" of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Beyond a certain threshold of password length, confidentiality and integrity do not statistically improve, while availability goes down due to poor usability. A system you cannot log in to is just as unavailable as one that is down.
If you force your user to type a 22 character password made up of all random, mixed case letters, numbers, and symbols, your users will be more prone to mistakes. Consider that a user may be under stress to respond immediately to a critical situation. Fumbling with a long password may cause a 3-tries lockout and take the user so much time to reset that they can't address the situation in a timely manner, and a disaster results. That long password prevented availability; instead of protecting the organization, it caused it harm.
How much time do your users waste entering passwords? The longer the password, the slower the entry. Subtract that expense right off the bottom line. That's part of the cost of security, money that could have been spent elsewhere. A 100 character password would cost you more than a 20 character password, while providing no measurable decrease in risk. Time and money are assets, and a too-long password spends them without producing added benefits.
With all this, am I advocating poor security of 4 digit PINs, so the users are faster, happier, and make fewer mistakes? Of course not. What you need to do is balance the entropy provided by the password with the psychology of using it.
While most users won't be able to remember a 12 character password made from 70 letters, numbers, and symbols, they could probably remember a five word passphrase; so consider a diceware approach to achieve similar entropy. Five random-but-familiar words are likely easier to remember and type than 12 random symbols while providing quintillions of possible combinations; six diceware words provide even more security than the 12 character passwords.
If it has to be characters for some reason, make sure to choose them from the set of unambiguous characters. Don't force the user to dance on the shift key, or type random symbols. If you need the entropy from a 12 random character password that draws from [a-z][A-Z][0-9][!-*], you can achieve a similar level of entropy using just [a-z] and expanding it to 15 characters.
Or consider other tools, such as authenticating tokens, biometrics, or smart cards, and have those supplement a shorter PIN.
Security systems must be usable, or they interfere with the organization to its detriment.
be your hash function, if you fix the number of bits in the hash then there exist a lengthn
such thatf(Σ¹∪...∪Σⁿ) = f(Σ⁺)
i.e. every string with more thann
characters has a shorter string, of length sayk
, with the same hash. At that point brute-forcing will simply find the shorter string and all then-k
extra characters are completely useless. More than thosem
characters are useful only for non truly random password generators. – Bakuriu Mar 24 '16 at 21:00