I have been tasked with writing a random password generator to be used on a series of throw away accounts.
In this scenario, the accounts need to be very secure and will be deleted after a single day and replaced with another username/password combination.
I have a master array of 70 characters. When a new password is created, 17 random characters from the array are selected, displayed on screen to the user and are never saved/recorded anywhere.
Making the assumption that the password is only ever shown to the user once, it's not stored/written down beyond the users single use for a login and working from the assumption that everything else is secure (it's not, but I want to get this bit right and then move onto other areas) - is a password of this complexity secure against common forms of attack?
Unless I am mistaken, 17 characters puts the password out of the realms of a rainbow table (16 characters max i read.. I am happy to be corrected).
As I understand it, the number of possible combinations exceeds 29 nonillion, making it beyond the reasonable limits for a brute force in under 24 hours.
The account also has a 5 try lockout applied to it with a 30 minute unlock.
I know there is the possibility of the password being guessed at random first time (anything is possible) - but is there anything blindingly obvious I have missed here?
never saved/recorded anywhere
, how do you verify the password when the user uses it? I assume that you are bcrypting it? – Neil Smithline Mar 24 '16 at 17:10