The SHA-2 family itself is not necessarily bad. By design, there are not really any security flaws which make bcrypt or scrypt preferable. However, the issue that many security experts have with SHA is that it is too fast and it does not require much memory. In comparison, a hashing function like scrypt is much slower and expensive, so to speak.
Scrypt requires a decent amount of memory to calculate. In addition to all of this memory, and largely as a result of needing so much memory, scrypt requires a lot of computational time compared to SHA. This answer from the BitCoin Stack Exchange site sums up the advantages of scrypt rather nicely: What features of scrypt() make Tenebrix GPU-resistant? In essence, scrypt is designed to be slow and memory intensive. GPUs do not like that. GPUs generally do not have the memory capacity to store all of the memory needed for the scrypt calculation without having to resort to execution blocking methods (where the GPU blocks all threads because it can only retrieve values from the shared memory one at a time), and thus GPUs cannot provide any large benefit over CPUs in terms of processing time. Bcrypt is similar.
Bcrypt is tried and true for password hashing. It has been around for 17 years, and it still gets the job done. However, one day, GPU technology will advance to the point where it is capable of calculating bcrypt faster and more efficiently that a CPU. Technology is always evolving and developing, so it will happen eventually. When that day comes, bcrypt will no longer be such a great choice for password hashing, and cryptographers and security experts will need to replace bcrypt with a similar algorithm that is slower and more memory intensive than the existing bcrypt. Maybe that will be scrypt, but who's to say. So, why is SHA frowned upon?
SHA is generally discouraged not because of security flaws, but because of speed and its ability to be implemented on a GPU. Someone with unlimited machines/computational power could crack any kind of hashing algorithm, whether it be SHA, bcrypt, or scrypt, but that is theoretical. In practice, an attacker will not have an unlimited number of machines to try to crack hashes on, and, as a result, the more you can slow that attacker down, the more difficult it will be for them to crack a password. There is a budget limit for everything, and password cracking is no exception. The attacker can only crack passwords as fast as their budget will allow. (The best technology they can purchase within their budget, the cost to run that technology (e.g., electric costs), etc.) Of course, you could implement multiple rounds of SHA to severely slow down an attacker, but why not just use bcrypt at that point? Among other things, as GPU technology advances in the near future, you will need to add more and more rounds/iterations to your SHA calculations to slow it down to the point where it is slower than bcrypt. However, as GPU technology advances, bcrypt will remain unphased, up to the point that GPU technology allows bcrypt to be calculated efficiently. Therefore, bcrypt is the preferable choice where possible, not because SHA is insecure, but because SHA is too computationally efficient.
, so a Bitcoin mining ASIC may not be too helpful. It could be helpful if multiple iterations are used. (I.e., if number of iterations is even, perform all iterations on ASIC. Else, perform floor(iterationCount/2) iterations on ASIC and one iteration on GPU/CPU.) However, this ASIC advantage is defeated if the hashing scheme is something likesha256(sha256(x)+Salt)
, because a mining ASIC cannot add data to the digest between first and second calculations. – Spencer D Aug 10 '16 at 17:23